How To Know When Water Damage Requires You To Replace Your Carpet
1/19/2022 (Permalink)

When Is It Time To Replace Your Carpet Due To Water Damage?
When water infiltrates your home, many areas can suffer. Your floor most commonly bears the brunt of a pipe break or other flooding problems. In many cases, a professional flood cleanup company will have to replace the flooring. However, if you’re fortunate, you may be able to salvage this part of your house. It’s helpful to know when your flooring needs to go and when you can save it.
When To Say Goodbye
You may hate to part with your carpet, but even moderate water issues can damage it beyond repair. Here are some cases in which you’ll need to tear it out and put down something new:
- You detect mold on or under the carpets.
- The carpet was wet for three days or more.
- The flooding included black water.
Can’t Deal With Mold
The amount of water and time it sits on your floor has a big effect on whether mold will develop. You can’t keep the flooring if mold is present. Have a specialist look for mold growth.
Time Is Not on Your Side
In the event of a pipe break, severe weather, toilet backup or any other incident that brings water into your house, you hope to detect it early. However, if you’re out of town at the time, or if the leak is in a place you can’t easily find, water can sit on the carpets for several days or longer. In these cases, it may be difficult, if not impossible, to sufficiently clean the area.
If the flooding in your Northfield, NJ, home came from sewage, you’ve got a water problem, and restoration of the affected area is essential.
If these issues are present following a pipe break or other cause of flooding, you shouldn’t try to keep your carpet. Instead, call an expert to help you clean up and make your space safe again.